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Old Testament Index

New Testament Index

Site Introduction

This site was put together from Powerpoint summaries of  the books of the Bible created while taking a Bible class for teenagers over a few years.

I am not a theologian and I am not a creationist in the sense many believers are. I do believe that dinosaurs existed and that the time periods in the creation story are not days as we know them.  I have summarised the books to the best of my abilities as given to me by God.

I have credited other books or sites that I have taken information from but have tried to use my own words in the preparation of the majority of the slides. Where I have used direct quotes from the Bible I have used the King James Version to avoid any copyright infringement of other versions. My thanks to those who update and edit Wikipedia, I found much of the historical background and dates there. Some summaries are more detailed than others, these were used in lessons.

I must credit my own teachers and guides who lead me to the path of light and understanding.

Fewer people than in the past now attend regular worship, but I can’t believe so many people just do not believe in a divine presence. I do not fully understand the nature of God but I do believe there is a creator and a saviour.

My own view of the Old Testament is that it is the history of the Jewish people and their relationship with God. My own beliefs are based on the Word of God as spoken by Jesus Christ the Son of God in the New Testament.  

As a Christian I believe God’s Word should be made available to as many people as possible. I know in this age of technology and 24 hour news there are many distractions for the people of God (and that means all of us). I hope that these brief summaries will interest people enough to make them want to delve further into the Bible and understand the promise of salvation through the grace of God.

You may freely download these presentations and adapt them for your own use. What is important here is that the Word of God may be freely spread amongst his people.

Mark 16 - 15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

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